hexo butterfly常用设置
| permalink: :year/:month/:day/:hash/
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| # anchor anchor: # 当您滚动帖子时,URL 将根据标题 ID 更新。 # when you scroll, the URL will update according to header id. auto_update: true
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| {% hideToggle 点击以打开 %}
{% endhideToggle %}
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| {% tabs test4 %} <!-- tab 第一个Tab --> **tab名字为第一个Tab** <!-- endtab -->
<!-- tab @fab fa-apple-pay --> **只有图标 没有Tab名字** <!-- endtab -->
<!-- tab 炸弹@fas fa-bomb --> **名字+icon** <!-- endtab --> {% endtabs %}
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| {% note simple %} 默认 提示块标签 {% endnote %}
{% note default simple %} default 提示块标签 {% endnote %}
{% note primary simple %} primary 提示块标签 {% endnote %}
{% note success simple %} success 提示块标签 {% endnote %}
{% note info simple %} info 提示块标签 {% endnote %}
{% note warning simple %} warning 提示块标签 {% endnote %}
{% note danger simple %} danger 提示块标签 {% endnote %}
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| {% note no-icon %} 默认 提示块标签 {% endnote %}
{% note default no-icon %} default 提示块标签 {% endnote %}
{% note primary no-icon %} primary 提示块标签 {% endnote %}
{% note success no-icon %} success 提示块标签 {% endnote %}
{% note info no-icon %} info 提示块标签 {% endnote %}
{% note warning no-icon %} warning 提示块标签 {% endnote %}
{% note danger no-icon %} danger 提示块标签 {% endnote %}
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| {% note modern %} 默认 提示块标签 {% endnote %}
{% note default modern %} default 提示块标签 {% endnote %}
{% note primary modern %} primary 提示块标签 {% endnote %}
{% note success modern %} success 提示块标签 {% endnote %}
{% note info modern %} info 提示块标签 {% endnote %}
{% note warning modern %} warning 提示块标签 {% endnote %}
{% note danger modern %} danger 提示块标签 {% endnote %}
- 更换插件
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| npm un hexo-renderer-marked --save npm un hexo-renderer-kramed --save npm i hexo-renderer-markdown-it --save npm install @neilsustc/markdown-it-katex --save
- butterfly配置启动latex插件
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katex: enable: true per_page: false hide_scrollbar: true
- 博客yml配置中增加
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| markdown: plugins: - plugin: name: '@neilsustc/markdown-it-katex' options: strict: false
- 博客页面配置开启latex
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| --- title: bert详解 date: 2024-03-31 14:51:21 katex: true category: - ai tag: - ai ---
- letex语法如下:
| $concurrency = cost_\text{avg} \times qps \quad (1)$
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| $$ \begin{equation} \mathcal{F} = \begin{cases} \infty & \text{if } \mathcal{M}_{measure} < \alpha \times \mathcal{M}_{expect} \\ \mathcal{M}_\text{expect} / \mathcal{M}_\text{measure} & \text{if } \alpha \times \mathcal{M}_{expect} < \mathcal{M}_{measure} < \mathcal{M}_{expect} \\ \sqrt{\frac{\mathcal{M}_{expect}}{\mathcal{M}_{measure}}} & \text{if } \mathcal{M}_{measure} \ge \mathcal{M}_{expect} \end{cases} \end{equation} $$
butterfly 图库设置
- Hexo-butterfly主题设置文档 https://guguge.top/blog/butterfly/#文档说明
- 小标签及边框颜色 https://blog.imzjw.cn/posts/bfdocs/index.html#小标签及边框颜色